Professional Tips on How to Handle a Snake in Your House – by Perimeter Wildlife Control
Searching for what you can do to handle a snake in your house?
Enjoy this short video from PerimeterWildlifeTV on professional tips for you to handle a snake in your house.
Any situation involving a snake in your home can be potentially dangerous for anyone involved. Perimeter Wildlife Control, LLC. specializes in the eradication of ALL nuisance wildlife including venomous snake removal, as well as non-venomous snake removal.
Most snakes in your house can be attributed to 1 of 3 things:
Food Sources:
Food sources can vary based on what species of snake you’ve encountered, as well as their size. Most commonly snakes eat rodents, lizards, frogs, and other small creatures. If you are currently or have previously been dealing with a rodent infestation, this is likely why the snake is present.
All wildlife requires shelter in some form or another. Snakes are no different. Due to being cold blooded reptiles, snakes need to regulate their body temperatures. In the winter time, snakes tend to go into a dormancy period until the weather warms up. Snakes in your home can find shelter inside walls or unfinished insulated areas like attics or crawlspaces.
Conducive Property Conditions:
Other conditions may be conducive for you to find a snake in your house. For example a water source or easy access for everything necessary in the snake’s environment or habitat. A pile of firewood in your backyard could attract rodents to nest there, in turn causing a snake to want to also nest near by. It would be like having a fast food drive-thru right outside your home.

Venomous Snake & Copperhead Removal in Atlanta, Georgia by Perimeter Wildlife Control
Why Choose Perimeter Wildlife for the Emergency Removal of a Snake In Your House?
Perimeter Wildlife Control has been servicing the Metro Atlanta, Georgia area since 2011. We provide 24 hour emergency wildlife removal services every day AND night! Perimeter Wildlife removes ALL nuisance critters including but not limited to:
- Rats
- Mice
- Venomous Snakes
- Non-Venomous Snakes
- Bats
- Raccoons
- Opossums
- Feral Cats
- Coyotes
- Armadillos
- Foxes
- Groundhogs
and just about any other critter that needs to be controlled.
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